Klamath County TSP Update
Klamath County is currently updating its Transportation Systems Plan (TSP). The TSP is a key document for managing the County's changing transportation demands over the next 20 years and it is important to keep updated to support population growth, economic development, and changing commute patterns. Additional information on what a TSP is, why it needs to be updated, and how that happens is provided later on this page.
The Final Draft TSP is available now.
The Final Draft TSP is available here. An Executive Summary is also available here.
What is a TSP?
A TSP describes the current transportation system and outlines projects, programs, and policies to meet a community's unique transportation needs over a 20-year period. Klamath County's updated TSP will include all forms of transportation in Klamath County, including roads, transit, walking, bicycling, rail, and air, and incorporate new technology to enhance safety and movement.
Why update it?
The County's current TSP was last updated over 10 years ago in 2010. Cities and counties are required to keep an up-to-date TSP that reflects their communities' current and anticipated mobility needs. A TSP is also critical to attracting and securing funds to address and resolve challenges or gaps in the transportation system. Klamath County's updated TSP will identify and document these needs, set goals to work toward, and chart how to achieve them through projects, programs, and policies.
How will the TSP be updated?
Klamath County has engaged Kittelson & Associates, Inc. and Angelo Planning Group to collect data, perform technical analyses, and support the County's community outreach efforts. If you'd like to be involved in this process, please subscribe or check back to this website as the project team's updates become available.
For more information on the County's ongoing and planned transportation projects, please visit the Klamath County Public Works Department site.
Image: Northeastern Klamath County, OR along Oregon Route 31. Source: MB298 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=61088251